Another successful Early Career and Doctoral Colloquium
The Section was delighted to host another successful online Early Career and Doctoral Colloquium at the end of January this year. There were 24 papers presentations from early career researchers from 15 universities in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Greece. 14 of the 24 papers (60%) were presented by women and the research covered a broad range of topics and regions in South and Central America, South-Asia, Africa, Europe, and the US. There were sessions on spatial aspects of health and wellbeing, conflict and disasters, political economy, human capital and skills, and sustainability.
Prizes were awarded for best presentation and best paper. The winners will be invited to present their work at the Section conference in Cork in June.
The best paper prize was awarded to Harm Jan Rouwendal, a doctoral researcher at the Universty of Groningen, for a paper called "New skill adoption and cities" that finds that new technology adoption is more likely to occur in areas with higher job density.
The best presentation prize was awarded to Daragh Corcoran, a doctoral researcher at the University of Galway, for a paper called "Developing Marine Ecosystem Extent Accounts for Ireland: A Standardized Approach". Daragh's work has the potential to provide a better mapping of marine assets in Ireland.
Special mention in the paper category was given to Thi Tham Ta of the University of Strathclyde for an excellent paper called "The aerial bombing of Cambodia and health in the very long run" and special mention in the presentation category was given to Matt Mason of the University of Liverpool for his presentation called "Whose news feeds do the radical right reach? An analysis of immigration-related digital ads placed by radical right parties across Europe on Meta platforms".
This event is now established in the calendar for colleagues at the start of their career in regional science and we look forward to it going from strength to strength. The Section would also like to thank the organisers of the event, Daragh O'Leary and Matt Lyons.
Prizes were awarded for best presentation and best paper. The winners will be invited to present their work at the Section conference in Cork in June.
The best paper prize was awarded to Harm Jan Rouwendal, a doctoral researcher at the Universty of Groningen, for a paper called "New skill adoption and cities" that finds that new technology adoption is more likely to occur in areas with higher job density.
The best presentation prize was awarded to Daragh Corcoran, a doctoral researcher at the University of Galway, for a paper called "Developing Marine Ecosystem Extent Accounts for Ireland: A Standardized Approach". Daragh's work has the potential to provide a better mapping of marine assets in Ireland.
Special mention in the paper category was given to Thi Tham Ta of the University of Strathclyde for an excellent paper called "The aerial bombing of Cambodia and health in the very long run" and special mention in the presentation category was given to Matt Mason of the University of Liverpool for his presentation called "Whose news feeds do the radical right reach? An analysis of immigration-related digital ads placed by radical right parties across Europe on Meta platforms".
This event is now established in the calendar for colleagues at the start of their career in regional science and we look forward to it going from strength to strength. The Section would also like to thank the organisers of the event, Daragh O'Leary and Matt Lyons.
Early Career and Doctoral Colloquium 2025
Our popular Online Early Career Colloquium is returning on the 23rd and 24th of January 2025. This is a great opportunity for PhD researchers and early career researchers (within 3 years of their PhD) to present and discuss their work with experienced academics in their field. We welcome PhD researchers at any stage of their PhD. First-year PhD students are encouraged to apply and may present research plans or works in progress.
Attendance at the colloquium is free. There are also prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate and will be invited to attend our 2025 annual RSAI-BIS conference in Cork in June 2025, for free. The prize covers conference fee, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2025 annual conference will be on us.
We also encourage more established RSAI-BIS members to attend the sessions and contribute with comments and suggestions. From past experience, we have found this to be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 9th December 2024 at UTC 5pm and information on how to submit an abstract can be found on our website here.
We hope to see you all online.
Attendance at the colloquium is free. There are also prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate and will be invited to attend our 2025 annual RSAI-BIS conference in Cork in June 2025, for free. The prize covers conference fee, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2025 annual conference will be on us.
We also encourage more established RSAI-BIS members to attend the sessions and contribute with comments and suggestions. From past experience, we have found this to be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 9th December 2024 at UTC 5pm and information on how to submit an abstract can be found on our website here.
We hope to see you all online.
Bristol 2024 - Another successful conference
The Section welcomed delegates to the University of Bristol for its 50th annual conference from July 9th to 11th. The conference proved another success, thanks to the great work by the local organising team led by Emmanouil Tranos, Section Secretary Richard Rijnks, and Section Chair Maria Abreu.
As always the conference combined high quality academic presentations and plenary speakers with a relaxed and freindly atmosphere. There was a wonderful mix of doctoral researchers, early career academics, and experienced regional scientists.
At the conference the Section acknowledged the fantastic work by outgoing officers. Maria Abreu, as Seciton Chair, Stuart McIntyre, as Treasurer, and Richard Rijnks, as Secretary have steered the Section brilliantly through the difficult COVID period. Tasos Kitsos remains as Membership Secretary and has also been instrumental in keeping the Section going strong.
The members elected a new Chair, Declan Jordan, who, with a new Secretary, Matt Lyons, and new Treasurer, Maria Plotnikova, will look to build on the work of the previous Committees to grow the Section further.
As always the conference combined high quality academic presentations and plenary speakers with a relaxed and freindly atmosphere. There was a wonderful mix of doctoral researchers, early career academics, and experienced regional scientists.
At the conference the Section acknowledged the fantastic work by outgoing officers. Maria Abreu, as Seciton Chair, Stuart McIntyre, as Treasurer, and Richard Rijnks, as Secretary have steered the Section brilliantly through the difficult COVID period. Tasos Kitsos remains as Membership Secretary and has also been instrumental in keeping the Section going strong.
The members elected a new Chair, Declan Jordan, who, with a new Secretary, Matt Lyons, and new Treasurer, Maria Plotnikova, will look to build on the work of the previous Committees to grow the Section further.
Bristol 2024 - Programme online
The conference programme for Bristol 2024 is now available.
Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts
As usual, we will complement the programme with daily updates, through which we can communicate any last minute changes.
Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts
As usual, we will complement the programme with daily updates, through which we can communicate any last minute changes.
Bristol 2024 - Keynotes, Venue, Accommodation
Dear all,
Please find an update for the 2024 RSAI-BIS Annual Meeting in Bristol below.
We are delighted to have two excellent keynotes lined up for this year's meeting.
The SEA Keynote Address will be given by Professor Robert Huggins of Cardiff University (, while the Early Career Keynote will be delivered by Dr. Carolin Ioramashvili ( of the University of Sussex. More detail on both keynotes are to follow.
Conference Venue
The conference will take place at the Fry Building - School of Mathematics, Woodland Rd, Bristol BS8 1UG, United Kingdom.
Google Maps
The nearest train station to the venue is Bristol Temple Meads, at around half an hour's walking time.
Google Maps
In terms of hotels, we recommend the following hotels, all are within half an hour's walking distance from the conference venue (Berkely Square is the closest). We have not blocked rooms for the conference with any of these hotels, so we suggest to book early. If you plan on staying longer, you may take advantage of the Bristol Harbour Festival (19-21 July) and Bristol Pride Day (13 July). Please be advised that it will get rather busy so booking the accommodation early is key.
Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel
The Berkeley Square Hotel Bristol
Mercure Bristol Holland House
Premier Inn, Bristol City Centre (Finzels Reach) hotel
Please find an update for the 2024 RSAI-BIS Annual Meeting in Bristol below.
We are delighted to have two excellent keynotes lined up for this year's meeting.
The SEA Keynote Address will be given by Professor Robert Huggins of Cardiff University (, while the Early Career Keynote will be delivered by Dr. Carolin Ioramashvili ( of the University of Sussex. More detail on both keynotes are to follow.
Conference Venue
The conference will take place at the Fry Building - School of Mathematics, Woodland Rd, Bristol BS8 1UG, United Kingdom.
Google Maps
The nearest train station to the venue is Bristol Temple Meads, at around half an hour's walking time.
Google Maps
In terms of hotels, we recommend the following hotels, all are within half an hour's walking distance from the conference venue (Berkely Square is the closest). We have not blocked rooms for the conference with any of these hotels, so we suggest to book early. If you plan on staying longer, you may take advantage of the Bristol Harbour Festival (19-21 July) and Bristol Pride Day (13 July). Please be advised that it will get rather busy so booking the accommodation early is key.
Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel
The Berkeley Square Hotel Bristol
Mercure Bristol Holland House
Premier Inn, Bristol City Centre (Finzels Reach) hotel
Annual Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extension
The deadline for sending in abstracts to the RSAI-BIS 2024 Annual Meeting in Bristol has been extend until March 6th. Please visit the call page here. If you would like to propose a special session, this is also still possible through the following page.
See you all in Bristol!
See you all in Bristol!
Call for Abstracts: RSAI-BIS 2024 Annual Meeting in Bristol
We are very pleased to announce that our 50th annual RSAI-BIS conference will take place in Bristol on 9th-11th July 2024, as an in-person event. We are very grateful to Professor Emmanouil Tranos for organising the conference, and to the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol, for hosting the event.
The conference will take place over three days, with a conference dinner on the 11th of July, and other social events, including our legendary pub quiz and local excursion, taking place on the other evenings.
We are particularly pleased to announce that the Spatial Economic Analysis Keynote Lecture will be given by Professor Robert Huggins on "Cultures of Possibility and Regional Development: Changing Behaviour, Values and Narratives".
Our Early Career Colloquium, held online since last year, took place in November and set a high bar with very high quality submissions. We look forward to welcoming all participants, and in particular our prize-winners, to Bristol next year.
The call for abstracts is now open, the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to March 6th, 2024.
If you require earlier confirmation of participation to arrange your visa, please send an email to [email protected].
We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form to submit your proposal.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
The conference will take place over three days, with a conference dinner on the 11th of July, and other social events, including our legendary pub quiz and local excursion, taking place on the other evenings.
We are particularly pleased to announce that the Spatial Economic Analysis Keynote Lecture will be given by Professor Robert Huggins on "Cultures of Possibility and Regional Development: Changing Behaviour, Values and Narratives".
Our Early Career Colloquium, held online since last year, took place in November and set a high bar with very high quality submissions. We look forward to welcoming all participants, and in particular our prize-winners, to Bristol next year.
The call for abstracts is now open, the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to March 6th, 2024.
If you require earlier confirmation of participation to arrange your visa, please send an email to [email protected].
We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form to submit your proposal.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
2023 Early Career Colloquium Call for Abstracts
Our popular Early Career Colloquium is returning as an online event, taking place on 9-10 November 2023. This is a great opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers within 3 years of their PhD to present and discuss their work with experienced academics in their field. We welcome students *at any stage* of their PhD. First-year PhD students are strongly encouraged to apply, and may present research plans or work in progress.
Attendance at the colloquium is free for accepted presenters. We would also encourage more established RSAI-BIS members to attend the sessions, and contribute with comments and suggestions. From past experience, we have found this to be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees.
A panel of judges will award prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate, and will be entitled to attend our 2024 annual RSAI-BIS conference (in Bristol), for free. The prize covers fees, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2024 annual conference will be on us.
To apply, please submit a short abstract by the 17th October 2023, using this link:
Presenters who wish to be considered for the best paper prize will be expected to submit a full paper by 17:00 (UTC Time) the 3rd November 2023.
We hope to see you all there!
Attendance at the colloquium is free for accepted presenters. We would also encourage more established RSAI-BIS members to attend the sessions, and contribute with comments and suggestions. From past experience, we have found this to be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees.
A panel of judges will award prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate, and will be entitled to attend our 2024 annual RSAI-BIS conference (in Bristol), for free. The prize covers fees, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2024 annual conference will be on us.
To apply, please submit a short abstract by the 17th October 2023, using this link:
Presenters who wish to be considered for the best paper prize will be expected to submit a full paper by 17:00 (UTC Time) the 3rd November 2023.
We hope to see you all there!
Call for Co-Editor, Spatial Economic Analysis
The Regional Studies Association and Regional Science Association International – British and Irish Section seek to appoint one or more Co-Editors to the journal Spatial Economic Analysis.
Spatial Economic Analysis
Spatial Economic Analysis is a pioneering economics journal dedicated to the development of theory and methods in spatial economics, published quarterly by two of the world’s leading learned societies in the analysis of spatial economics, the Regional Studies Association (RSA) and the British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI BIS).
The journal takes spatial economics, regional science and economic geography as its focus, is targeted at international audiences and has achieved an SSCI listing with an impact factor of 2.3 (2022). It is a leading outlet for high quality research from international contributors in the field of spatial economic analysis.
See the journal website for more details:
For details of the journal metrics go to:
To see the T&F advertisement, please click here.
To apply, please click here to complete the form and attach your manifesto and supporting documents
About the Co-Editor Role
Co-Editors of Spatial Economic Analysis are expected to:
Responding to the Call for Expressions of Interest
In making expressions of interest candidates are invited to submit:
The post is for commencement as soon as possible after the decision has been made. The appointed Co-Editor(s) will be expected to complete a term of between 3-5 years.
The successful candidate(s) may wish to join one or both Associations as a member. Non-members may apply. Further details are available here for the RSA and here for RSAI BIS.
Interested applicants with questions about the journal are invited to contact:
Sally Hardy, Chief Executive, Regional Studies Association – [email protected]
Ugo Fratesi, Editor in Chief – [email protected]
To apply, please click here to complete the form and attach your manifesto and supporting documents
Closing Date: Tuesday 12th October 2023, 17.00 (GMT).
Spatial Economic Analysis
Spatial Economic Analysis is a pioneering economics journal dedicated to the development of theory and methods in spatial economics, published quarterly by two of the world’s leading learned societies in the analysis of spatial economics, the Regional Studies Association (RSA) and the British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI BIS).
The journal takes spatial economics, regional science and economic geography as its focus, is targeted at international audiences and has achieved an SSCI listing with an impact factor of 2.3 (2022). It is a leading outlet for high quality research from international contributors in the field of spatial economic analysis.
See the journal website for more details:
For details of the journal metrics go to:
To see the T&F advertisement, please click here.
To apply, please click here to complete the form and attach your manifesto and supporting documents
About the Co-Editor Role
Co-Editors of Spatial Economic Analysis are expected to:
- Support the peer review process by selecting referees on appropriate manuscripts (assigned to them by the Editor in Chief) and making recommendations to the Editor in Chief based on referee reports. The peer review process is double blind on all submitted manuscripts.
- Use ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submissions tracking system, to assist in the editorial process.
- Comment on and contribute to the editorials, which are written by the Editor in Chief for publication in each general issue (not for special issues).
- Continue the development of the journal and in particular to encourage submissions and special issues from leading writers in the field.
Responding to the Call for Expressions of Interest
In making expressions of interest candidates are invited to submit:
- A brief editorial manifesto outlining their intentions for the safeguarding and further development of the academic excellence, relevance and scope of Spatial Economic Analysis;
- An indication of host institution support; and
- A full CV – these may be in summary form but should give enough information to demonstrate the main relevant expertise possessed by the candidate and their embeddedness in the field, e.g., information about networks, conferences attended, relevant publications, professional memberships, etc.
The post is for commencement as soon as possible after the decision has been made. The appointed Co-Editor(s) will be expected to complete a term of between 3-5 years.
The successful candidate(s) may wish to join one or both Associations as a member. Non-members may apply. Further details are available here for the RSA and here for RSAI BIS.
Interested applicants with questions about the journal are invited to contact:
Sally Hardy, Chief Executive, Regional Studies Association – [email protected]
Ugo Fratesi, Editor in Chief – [email protected]
To apply, please click here to complete the form and attach your manifesto and supporting documents
Closing Date: Tuesday 12th October 2023, 17.00 (GMT).
49th Annual Conference: Call For Abstracts
We are very pleased to announce that our 49th annual RSAI-BIS conference will take place in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on 4th-6th July 2023, as an in-person event. We are very grateful to Professor Rachel Franklin for organizing the conference, and to the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) at Newcastle University, for hosting the event.
The conference will take place over three days, with a conference dinner on the 6th July, and other social events, including our legendary pub quiz and local excursion, taking place on the other evenings.
Our Early Career Colloquium, held online since last year, took place in November and set a high bar with very high quality submissions. We look forward to welcoming all participants, and in particular our prize-winners, to Newcastle next year.
The call for abstracts is now open, the deadline for abstract submissions is 24th January 2023.
If you require earlier confirmation of participation to arrange your visa, please send an email to [email protected].
We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form to submit your proposal.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
The conference will take place over three days, with a conference dinner on the 6th July, and other social events, including our legendary pub quiz and local excursion, taking place on the other evenings.
Our Early Career Colloquium, held online since last year, took place in November and set a high bar with very high quality submissions. We look forward to welcoming all participants, and in particular our prize-winners, to Newcastle next year.
The call for abstracts is now open, the deadline for abstract submissions is 24th January 2023.
If you require earlier confirmation of participation to arrange your visa, please send an email to [email protected].
We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form to submit your proposal.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
49th Annual Conference: Call for Special Sessions
Dear participants,
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for the 49th Annual Conference of the RSAI-BIS. The conference will run from 4-6 July, 2023.
The call for special sessions opens today. Please visit the Special Session Proposals page to submit your special session. Special Sessions submitted before December 1st will be included in the call for abstracts.
We will update this page with all the conference details next week.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for the 49th Annual Conference of the RSAI-BIS. The conference will run from 4-6 July, 2023.
The call for special sessions opens today. Please visit the Special Session Proposals page to submit your special session. Special Sessions submitted before December 1st will be included in the call for abstracts.
We will update this page with all the conference details next week.
48th Annual Conference: Information
Dear participants,
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Stirling next week for the long-awaited RSAI-BIS annual
conference. We are delighted that we are able to run this event in person.
To help you find your way we have some additional information put together here.
This page includes
Safe travels and see you all next week!
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Stirling next week for the long-awaited RSAI-BIS annual
conference. We are delighted that we are able to run this event in person.
To help you find your way we have some additional information put together here.
This page includes
- the online programme with book of abstracts,
- extra information on the social programme,
- information on the SEA Keynote by Dani Arribas-Bel,
- and information on getting around in Stirling and things to do.
Safe travels and see you all next week!
48th Annual Conference - Stirling, 5-7 July 2022
We are very pleased to announce that our 48th annual RSAI-BIS conference will be taking place in Stirling, Scotland, on 5-7 July 2022, in the form of an in-person event. Our traditional early-career colloquium, which successfully moved online this year, will take place in an online format prior to the conference. More details on the themes of the conference, and important dates, can be found in the conference page.
The abstract submission portal for the conference will open on 1 November 2021 via this link. We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form.
Update: The deadline for abstracts has been extended until February 21. Please follow the link above to submit your abstract.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
The abstract submission portal for the conference will open on 1 November 2021 via this link. We are also accepting special session proposals for the conference, please use this form.
Update: The deadline for abstracts has been extended until February 21. Please follow the link above to submit your abstract.
We hope to see you all then!
RSAI-BIS Committee
Early Career Colloquium - Call for Abstracts
Our popular Early Career Colloquium is returning, this time as an online event, taking place on the 6-8 July 2021 (provisionally, 2-4pm BST / IST). This is a great opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers (within 3 years of their PhD) to present and discuss their work with experienced academics in their field. We welcome students at any stage of their PhD. First-year PhD students are strongly encouraged to apply, and may present research plans or work in progress.
Attendance at the colloquium is *free* for accepted presenters and for existing RSAI-BIS members. Early career presenters included in the programme, and who are not currently members, will also receive free membership of RSAI-BIS for 2021/22, entitling them to discounted rates at RSAI-BIS, ERSA, and RSAI events, as well as free access to RSAI publications. This support is possible thanks to a generous donation from one of our RSAI-BIS members.
A panel of judges will award prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate, and will be entitled to attend our 2022 annual RSAI-BIS conference (in Stirling, Scotland), for free. The prize covers fees, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2022 annual conference will be on us.
To apply, please submit an abstract by the 28th May 2021, using this link.
Presenters will be expected to submit an extended abstract or a full paper (if wishing to be considered for the best paper prize) by the 22nd June 2021.
Attendance at the colloquium is *free* for accepted presenters and for existing RSAI-BIS members. Early career presenters included in the programme, and who are not currently members, will also receive free membership of RSAI-BIS for 2021/22, entitling them to discounted rates at RSAI-BIS, ERSA, and RSAI events, as well as free access to RSAI publications. This support is possible thanks to a generous donation from one of our RSAI-BIS members.
A panel of judges will award prizes for the best paper and the best presentation. Prize winners will receive a certificate, and will be entitled to attend our 2022 annual RSAI-BIS conference (in Stirling, Scotland), for free. The prize covers fees, accommodation, and economy-class travel costs. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2022 annual conference will be on us.
To apply, please submit an abstract by the 28th May 2021, using this link.
Presenters will be expected to submit an extended abstract or a full paper (if wishing to be considered for the best paper prize) by the 22nd June 2021.
RSAI-BIS participation in the "Regions in Recovery: Building Sustainable Futures" Global E-Festival
We are pleased to announce the RSAI-BIS participation in the "Regions in Recovery: Building Sustainable Futures" Global E-Festival, which takes place over two weeks on 2-18 June 2021. We are organising a number of sessions at the festival, including two special sessions on automation and digitalisation, and sessions on a range of urban and regional topics, organised via an open call for abstracts.
To take part as presenter in one of our sessions, please submit an abstract via this link ( to one of the following sessions:
SS12. RSAI-BIS I - Digital Tools for the Recovery and the Resilience of Cities and Regions during and after a Crisis
SS48. RSAI-BIS II - The Role of Automation and Digitalization in Regional Economies
SS49. RSAI-BIS III - Urban and Regional Analysis, and Innovative Policy Design (open call for abstracts)
Detailed descriptions of the sessions are available here:
If you have an idea for a themed session, and know of at least three presenters who would like to take part, please ask them to submit abstracts via the open call, and then drop us an e-mail to let us know, so we can schedule the papers together as one session. Participation in the festival is free for non-presenting participants, and costs £45 for presenting participants and £20 for concessions (PhD students, early career researchers, retired researchers, etc.).
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSAI-BIS Committee
To take part as presenter in one of our sessions, please submit an abstract via this link ( to one of the following sessions:
SS12. RSAI-BIS I - Digital Tools for the Recovery and the Resilience of Cities and Regions during and after a Crisis
SS48. RSAI-BIS II - The Role of Automation and Digitalization in Regional Economies
SS49. RSAI-BIS III - Urban and Regional Analysis, and Innovative Policy Design (open call for abstracts)
Detailed descriptions of the sessions are available here:
If you have an idea for a themed session, and know of at least three presenters who would like to take part, please ask them to submit abstracts via the open call, and then drop us an e-mail to let us know, so we can schedule the papers together as one session. Participation in the festival is free for non-presenting participants, and costs £45 for presenting participants and £20 for concessions (PhD students, early career researchers, retired researchers, etc.).
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSAI-BIS Committee
RSAI – British and Irish Section
UPDATE - 48th Annual Conference to be held at Stirling University and Stirling Court Hotel has been postponed until 2022
Due to the public health concerns related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, we will sadly have to cancel this year’s annual RSAI-BIS conference. It was due to take place in Stirling, Scotland, on 7-9 July 2020. We have also, after much consideration, decided to hold the conference in the same location. Our 2022 annual conference will therefore take place in July 2022 in Stirling, Scotland. We can also reveal that the Spatial Economic Analysis lecture will be given by Daniel Arribas-Bel, Senior Lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the University of Liverpool. We will keep the website updated over the next few months as we re-open abstract and session submissions. We hope you are keeping well and safe in these difficult times.
Dr. Maria Abreu, Chair of the RSAI-BIS, on behalf of the RSAI-BIS committee.
Dr. Maria Abreu, Chair of the RSAI-BIS, on behalf of the RSAI-BIS committee.